Cybersecurity Consulting: What are the phases of it?
Cybersecurity consulting is a growing sub-field within enterprise services, made all the more important as the page of cyber-warfare has increased in recent years and months. Many business owners see that engaging the services of a cybersecurity consultant can give real value in terms of lawful and regulatory compliance, avoidance of data protection breaches, and streamlining of their business procedures. The engagement can be further divided into steps.The period of each step can vary widely, depending on such elements as the size of the business, the amount of preparatory work that has been accomplished, and the staff time available. In most cases, the phases of cybersecurity consulting will take the following general form: Initiation: Define the scope of the project and assign budget and personnel. Choose a data protection consultant and a lead contact person. Planning: Plan the information security management system to form the project's outcome. Implem...