What is cloud computing: Pros and Cons
Cloud Computing is a technology to store and access programs and data over the internet instead of your computer hard drive. In other words, Cloud computing is a technique of computing where all the resources such as file storage, data processing services, and applications are accessed through the internet. Resources are stored in data centers worldwide and are available to any person or device connected to the internet. Pros: Let's discuss some of the benefits of cloud computing: Less cost: The billing model is paid as per usage. Initial and recurring costs are less than traditional. Increased Storage: They have massive storage and maintenance of significant volumes of data. Scalable: They are scalable, as we can pay for the storage required. And are used in the emergency backup plan. Cons: Here are some of the disadvantages of cloud computing which are as follows: Privacy: Privacy and safety in the cloud are much more concerned. Reliability and privacy: Vendor lock and failure...